cannot find module ''''angular2/core''''

5/25/2016 6:54:42 PM


For ASP.NET 5.0 applications in VS 2015, configuring typescript is a bit challenging.

Until the tooling around typescript improves, you can configure typescript manually:

Step 1: Right-click project, and Unload Project 
Step 2: Right-click the unloaded project, and Edit the .xproj file
Step 3: Add a PropertyGroup node, under the Project node:

  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
    <TypeScriptOutFile />
    <TypeScriptOutDir />
    <TypeScriptMapRoot />
    <TypeScriptSourceRoot />

Step 4: Right-click the unloaded project and Reload Project
Step 5: Re-build project

If you are still encountering the error where it cannot find the module, exit visual studio and reload the solution.